DoT to allocate two carriers of 250 MHz each in E-band

The department of telecommunications (DoT) will provisionally allocate two carriers of 250 MHz each (paired) in E-band to mobile operators administratively for meeting their backhaul requirements as they prepare to launch 5G services. The assignment will be done on interim basis for a period of three months and telecom operators will be charged 0.15% of their adjusted gross revenue (AGR) for the period, which will be adjusted retrospectively (from date of provisional assignment) based upon the pricing decided finally, though no interest will be charged for it.

“Telecom service providers (TSPs), based upon their application, would be allotted a maximum of two carriers of 250 MHz each (paired) bandwidth in E-band (71-76/81-86) GHz for their backhaul purpose in the LSAs where they are holding access spectrum in IMT bands,” a notification by DoT said.

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