DIPA seeks Himachal Pradesh govt support for uninterrupted telecom connectivity amid heavy rains

The Digital Infrastructure Providers Association (DIPA) has written to Prabodh Saxena, Chief Secretary of the Himachal Pradesh government seeking timely support during the heavy rains and landslides impacting districts in the state.

In the letter, DIPA has sought the government’s support for the safety and security of telecom employees, unrestricted access to telecom personnel for accessing telecom sites, availability of diesel for telecom towers, availability of power, cell on wheels deployment, nodal officers/ Single point of contact, the industry association said in a statement Saturday.

”To ensure round-the-clock telecom connectivity and in order to contain the effect of the heavy rains on telecom services, we seek Himachal Pradesh government’s urgent intervention and support in this difficult and challenging situation,” said T.R. Dua, Director-General, DIPA.

Dua added that the association’s members have proactively taken necessary measures to ensure connectivity round-the-clock connectivity in the areas that have been affected by the heavy rains and arrangements such as additional diesel gensets, battery banks, spare parts, stocking of diesel are taken care of.

DIPA’s members include American Tower, Indus Towers, Summit Digitel, Tower Vision, among others.

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