Dhotre reviews mobile connectivity in border areas of Uttarakhand
Dehradun: Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology Sanjay Dhotre held a meeting with officials of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and BSNL here on Thursday to review a range of issues, including mobile connectivity in the border areas of Uttarakhand. The review included progress of installation of mobile towers in remote border areas of Uttarakhand funded under Universal Service Obligation Fund, BharatNet Project for extending optical fibre connectivity to the gram panchayats and villages, and the National Broadband Mission (NBM) for extending broadband connectivity to rural and urban areas.
The minister particularly stressed on providing broadband connectivity to cater to the needs of the migrant residents of Uttarakhand who are working from home and the students who are attending online classes amid COVID-19.
He also asked officials to improve the mobile network on the Char Dham Yatra route, an official release here said.