Cybercriminals beware! India just took this big step to launch crackdown

With increasing usage of gadgets in the Covid-19 era, cyberciminals are taking advantage of the fact that users are not too aware about how they can be duped. In fact users freely provide secret information about their bank accounts, social media accounts and more, to total strangers even. This step by India and the US will ensure that the cybercriminals are deterred as well as caught. To protect the common user, both India and US have come together to police the Internet and ensure innocent people are not affected by cybercrime.

The US Justice Department, on Thursday, said that India and the US will expand their cooperation in fighting cybercrimes, telemarketing fraud and enforce consumer protection rules.

In New Delhi, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials met Deputy Assistant Attorney General Arun G. Rao of the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Division’s Consumer Protection Branch, together with colleagues from the Consumer Protection Branch and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), to further strengthen law enforcement cooperation.

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