Cumulative levies of 33% for Indian telcos putting operators under pressure: Deloitte
Indian economy grew eight-fold in the last 25 years to reach $2.4 trillion today and if the same momentum is maintained, it could be $5 trillion by 2025. However, $5 trillion could be reached earlier than expected backed by exponential growth and demographic dividend. Telecom sector is going to play an important role in achieving higher growth, provision of services to the last man standing and improving quality of life of the citizens of India.
Currently, Indian telecom service sector is under lot of financial stress due to hyper competition, high cost of spectrum, rapid generational changes in the technology resulting in constant demand in capex, etc. The debt of the sector is over 4 lakh crores. The sector is trying to meet this challenge by reducing cost of operation, innovation, consolidation, finding new sources of revenue by leveraging on the vision of Digital India. However, this by itself will not solve the problem. Government support in terms of sector friendly regulations, tax policies, ease of doing business, closure of numerous litigations, reduction of multiple ongoing audits, etc., is very crucial. Eg: The cumulative levies(other than corporate tax) of around 33% for Indian telcos in comparison to other countries like 22% in China, 20% in EU and 17% in the US, is putting pressure on cash flows and hampering operator’s capability to invest for the future.
The sector is expected to see more regulatory changes in the upcoming National Telecom Policy 2018.Some of the important changes expected are reduction in USO contribution from the current 5% to 3% of annual revenue, reduction in the spectrum charges and license fees could partially address the financial challenges faced by operators. It is also expected to provide relief at an operational level to the operators by removing spectrum holding limitation, rationalisation of penalties, implementing uniform Right of Way rules across states among others.
From the tax side, the issues that the telecom sector has been facing and hence the expectations from 2018 budget are discussed below:
• Reduction in rate of custom duty on telecom equipment: Levy of basic custom duty (BCD) on telecom equipment acts as a huge financial burden to the telecom sector. Unless manufacturing facilities are available in India for these equipment, it is recommended that these goods should be exempted from levy of BCD. The steep hike in duty rate on import of mobile phones would cause financial burden on the end consumers. It is recommended that the duty rates be revisited and reduced.
• Withholding tax on discounts offered to distributors on SIM cards / prepaid vouchers: Considering the fact that arrangements with distributors of SIM cards / prepaid vouchers are with residents only, the Government should bring in appropriate provision either clarifying that such arrangements are not subject to tax withholding provisions. Alternatively, given the wafer thin margins earned by distributors, bring in a lower rate of say around 1%-2% as applicable withholding tax rate on such margins.
• Issue on tax deductibility of spectrum fees: Over the years, the present government has assured clarity and certainty in law and its consistent efforts to reduce litigation, the Government should clarify tax treatment of spectrum fee incurred for years prior to FY 2016-17 to allow tax depreciation thereon.
• Carry forward / set-off of losses on merger of telecom infrastructure service providers (Tower companies): The tower companies are an integral and inseparable part of telecom sector and therefore should be brought on parity with telecom service providers to be eligible for carry forward / set off of business losses on merger.
• Input Tax Credit (ITC) on Telecom Towers to operators: Non-eligibility of ITC would lead to increased cost incurred by the telecom companies and eventually would be borne by the end consumers. It is therefore recommended to include telecom towers in the definition of plant and machinery and allow credit on them.
• Reduction in rate of GST on telecom equipment: As the rate of tax on inputs is higher than the rate on output services, this would lead to blockage of credits and would cause additional financial strain to telecom sector. Hence, it is recommended, that such rates be reduced to match the rate applicable to telecom sector i.e. 18%.
• Characterization of telecommunication services as ‘Royalty’: The Government should bring a clarification on telecom payments as these fall outside the purview of royalty and this will not only lead to certainty in appropriate tax treatment for such payments but also reduce litigation pending before the courts on such matters.