Consumer electronic items may stay cheaper during the Covid scare period

If you are planning to buy consumer electronics items, the next few months following the lockdown when companies will have pre-Covid inventory, are perhaps the best time. Because Covid might change many things in business, with price implication.

The exact implications are difficult to estimate at this stage as the impact is manifold and has both short and long-term perspectives on national as well as international scale. Also, with Covid-19 still on the rampage, the whole situation is evolving.

Costly imports

However, certain impacts are visible. From ₹72.17 on March 1, the value of dollar is up by 6.5 per cent to ₹76.85 on April 16. This was primarily due to fall in crude prices (dollar moves in the opposite direction of crude), following a rift between OPEC and Russia on production cut.

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