Chennai has fastest wireline broadband, Mumbai tops in mobile internet speeds
Chennai and Mumbai have the fastest mean fixed broadband and mobile download speeds respectively, according to a new report by Ookla, the company which owns Speedtest.
On comparing the fixed and mobile download speeds in the 15 largest cities in India, the reports shows Chennai had by far the fastest mean download speed over fixed broadband (51.07 Mbps), followed by Bengaluru (42.50 Mbps) and Hyderabad (41.68 Mbps). The slowest download speeds were measured in Nagpur (20.10 Mbps), followed by Pune (22.78 Mbps) and Kanpur (23.20 Mbps).
Mobile download speeds
Mobile download speeds, which include all cellular technologies, showed somewhat less variation from city to city. This includes Mumbai (11.87 Mbps), Indore (11.80 Mbps), Visakhapatnam (11.74 Mbps), Hyderabad (11.48) and Kolkata (11.46 Mbps) had the fastest mobile download speeds. The slowest mean download speed measured in Lucknow (8.94 Mbps).