Business, investors, regulators and civil society need to work together for better privacy: Omidyar report

All four stakeholders – enterprises, investors, regulators and civil society — must collectively join hands and work towards pursuing data privacy and protection, Omidyar Network India and Monitor Deloitte said here on Thursday.

“As tech-led investors focused on impact, we believe that technology can drive massive impact in ways that were not possible earlier and have invested in a unique portfolio of enterprises that accelerate the digital journey of India’s “Next Half Billion” to access aspirational services. Equally we now focus on “responsible tech”, recognising the increased vulnerability of individuals and society to harms. This is why we support research and other entrepreneurial efforts to help inform policies, practices and behaviours by policymakers, businesses and users in good data practices, especially in privacy” said Roopa Kudva, Managing Director, Omidyar Network India.

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