BSNL closure report in media false: Naik
BSNL Chief General Manager, Odisha Circle Satyananda Naik on Thursday termed as “not true” the reports in the newspapers and TV that the BSNL is likely to be closed. “The BSNL being a Government-owned PSU, there is no proposal to close down the company. Moreover, the BSNL network is robust and has presence in all comers of the country. The network is continuously being expanded in providing various services such as landline, broadband, Fiber to the Home, leased line and mobile services,” Naik said.“Recently, BSNL Odisha has launched 4G services in Balangir and is going to launch 4G services at Subarnapur, Kalahandi and Nuapada districts very shortly. The speed of BSNL 4G services is appreciated by our beloved customers of Balangir in comparison to that of other operators,” he stated.