Authenticity and science differentiate us: Andy Puddicome & Richard Pearson, Co-founders, Headspace
Headspace is looking to localise content to tap into non-English speaking markets like India amid a rush of similar apps, monk-turned entrepreneur Andy Puddicombe and co-founder Richard Pearson told ET in an interview. Launched in 2010, the Los Angeles-based mindfulness and meditation company has more than 2 million paid subscribers, with 600 corporates as its clients. Edited excerpts:
Andy, why did you launch Headspace after 10 years of monkhood?
I was visiting home (London) when I was still a monk and chatting with friends, who were all interested in what I was doing but had no interest in Buddhism and religion. They just wanted to know how to feel less stressed. That got me thinking. I called up my teacher, my Tibetan Lama, and had a conversation on whether I should continue being (a monk) or put on a suit and tie and start a meditation platform. I went back to England, set up a clinic and started doing one to one sessions, which is when I met Richard.