At Rs 25.36 crore, TCS CEO earns the least among IT firms heads
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) CEO and MD, K Krithivasan drew Rs 25.36 crore in annual compensation in FY24, which is the lowest amongst the large information technology firms.
Interestingly, outgoing chief operating officer, NG Subramaniam earned more than Krithivasan in FY24. However, Krithivasan’s salary as CEO was for 10 months while Subramaniam’s was for the full year. Krithivasan took over as the CEO from Rajesh Gopinathan on June 1, 2023. In his short tenure of two months before resigning, Gopinathan earned Rs 1.1 crore. In FY23, he received a total remuneration of Rs 29.16 crore, a 13% year-on-year increase from Rs 25.75 crore.