Artificial Intelligence: MIT-IBM lab develops tool to distinguish minute sounds using visual cues! Details

Artificial Intelligence for music lovers: MIT-IBM Watson lab develops AI to identify music by studying the musicians’ body! In a statement, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) said that at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab have leveraged artificial intelligence to develop a tool that can use virtual eyes and ears of a computer so that the sounds that are similar for the major part can also be differentiated. As per the statement, the tool would be an improvement of earlier models and tries to match the tempo of the individual points with the musicians’ movements using their skeletal points. This would allow listeners to isolate every single instrument from the others.

The statement added that this tool can be potentially used in a wide spectrum of applications like sound mixing, where it can be used for turning up the volume of a particular instrument during recording, or in video conferencing calls to reduce the confusion that leads people to speak over each other.

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