Apple falls to 4th place in global smartphone market, look who has beaten it for third spot

With the Q3 fiscal 2019 results, it is quite clear that iPhone is no longer the hottest selling product for the Cupertino tech giant as it used to be at one point. Some might say that the iPhone isn’t the Apple of Apple’s eye anymore, so to speak. The latest IHS Markit Smartphone Intelligence Service report has now estimated that the company has shipped 35.3 million iPhones in the second quarter of 2019, down 14.6% from 41.3 million units one year ago.
The report estimates that Apple has seen a drop of 15% in year-over-year growth and 19% drop in quarter-over-quarter growth. The data suggests that Apple is the only company in the top 5 smartphone vendors to witness year-over-year drop. To recall, in its third quarter result, Apple has revealed that the contribution of its iPhone product lineup to company’s revenue has dropped by over 50%.

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