Apple, Facebook, Google and other firms team up to make this new WiFi network a reality

It looks like tech giants of the Silicon Valley comprising of Apple, Google, Facebook, HP, Broadcom, Qualcomm and others have teamed up to make WiFi connectivity easier and better in the future. As reported by website, the group has pitched the idea of a new WiFi bandwidth for 6GHz before the Federal Communications Commission.
The new WiFi band is said to bring new short-range and reliable connectivity for several types of devices including AR/VR headsets, smartphones, laptops, tablets and more.
“As detailed in the slide presentation, we explained that VLP operations in the 6 GHz band operating without Automated Frequency Coordination (“AFC”) at 14 dBm EIRP, or -5 dBm/MHz radiated Power Spectral Density (“PSD”), would present no real-world risk of harmful interference to licensed FS operations.

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