Amazon looks to clean up rivals with pvt label Presto!

Amazon, which had quietly launched its own range of home-cleaning products under Presto! in India last year, has been significantly undercutting the prices of best-selling brands in the category such as Harpic, Lizol and Pril, to name a few. The drive to grow its private-label business in the FMCG category comes even as some brands and smaller sellers have raised concerns over the marketplace not maintaining a level playing field by favouring its own private labels and captive sellers.
While no official announcement of the launch of Presto! was made by Amazon India, the products—which range from floor disinfectants, paper napkins to dishwashing gel— seem to have started going on sale sometime in October last year, while reviews from Indian buyers for many products only date back to January 2019. Presto! has existed as a private label from Amazon in the US and some other overseas markets. Amazon India did not respond to an ET query on the launch and strategy behind Presto!

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