Amazon issues advisory after a delivery agent is mauled by dog

Just days after an Amazon driver was found dead on a customer’s front lawn in Missouri, US, after being attacked by dogs, the company has reportedly issued an advisory. According to a report in Engadget, quoting Vice News, delivery drivers have received message from the company, which lightheartedly refers to dogs as “our four-legged customers” and “Fido”. It is not exactly clear if the advisory was sent in response to the attack or was drafted earlier.

The message
“We want to help ensure you aren’t surprised by our four-legged customers when on route, so be sure to check the Amazon Delivery App for the paw print icon in the ‘Delivery Notes’ indicating you should ‘be aware of a dog at this stop,'” the message reportedly states. “If we know Fido is nearby, we’ll add the paw print to give you a heads up.

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