Act against objectionable messages: Controller, Communications
The controller, communications in Uttarakhand, Ashish Joshi has stated that if anyone is receiving abusive/offensive/death threats/vulgar Whatsapp messages, please send screen shots of the message along with the mobile numbers at “We will take it up with the telecom operators and police heads for necessary action,” he stated.
Earlier, Joshi had sent a letter to nine telecom operators regarding the misuse of telecom network for sending obscene and vulgar messages. He had asked the telecom operators to refer to the section on prohibition of certain activities by the licensee in the licence agreements. It, inter-alia, states “carriage of objectionable obscene, unauthorised or any other content, messages of communications…in any form in the network is not permitted as per established laws of the country. Once specific instances of such infringement are reported to the licensee by the licensor, enforcement agencies, the licensee shall take necessary measures to prevent carriage of such message in its network immediately.”