Nanobots to help humans attain immortality by 2030, claims Google scientist
Immortality may be as far as just seven years away. According to former Google scientist Ray Kurzweil, humans will attain immortality with the help of nanorobots in just seven years. Kurzweil has made the claim in a YouTube video posted by tech vlogger Adagio where he discussed expansion in genetics, nanotechnology, robotics and more. In the two-part video interview, the scientist emphasised his claim made in the 2005 book ‘The Singularity Is Near’ where he predicted that technology will allow humans to enjoy an everlasting life by 2030.
“2029 is the consistent date I have predicted for when an AI will pass a valid [Alan] Turing test,” Kurzweil reportedly told Futurism in 2017 — referring to experiments that challenge computers to think like us — “and therefore achieve human levels of intelligence.”