Satya Nadella impressed by IndiaStack: ‘Phenomenon… Nothing like it in the world’, says Microsoft CEO

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella seems to be in awe of IndiaStack – the digital infrastructure which enabled NPCI’s payments including UPI, and other government services delivery such as Direct Benefit Transfers. “Phenomenon to see the IndiaStack… There’s nothing like that seen anywhere in the world,” Satya Nadella said at an event today during his four-day visit to India. The country’s work in digital public goods is inspiring and astonishing, he said. “It’s inspiring to see the deep focus on sustainable and inclusive economic growth led by digital transformation.

While talking extensively about the advantages of cloud, he applauded India’s “significant momentum” whether it is conglomerates or startups when it comes to cloud. He applauded Indian conglomerates such as Indigo, Godrej Industries, Tata Digital, Flipkart, among others, for their focus on cloud technology. “My only tip is don’t bet against the cloud,” said Nadella.Nadella also called technology a deflationary force in an inflationary world.

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