Over 8 per cent of 2.3 crore students enrolled across Maharashtra schools have no Aadhaar: data
OF THE 2,33,13,762 children enrolled in government and aided schools across Maharashtra 19,55,515 (8.38 per cent) do not have Aadhaar cards, according to recently released data from the state government. Of the 2,13,58,247 children, who have Aadhaar cards 40,01,250 are invalid meaning their enrolment will not be counted in addition to those having no Aadhaar card.
Ahead of the teacher approval process, the data has become a cause of worry for many schools. Posts of teachers allotted to each school are based on the number of enrolled students. Students having valid Aadhaar cards are considered enrolled, and it is factored in while calculating the student-teacher ratio to approve required posts of teachers.