Draft telecom bill proposes suspension of internet services in public interest

The draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, which was released on Wednesday last, proposes suspension of internet services in the interest of public safety while ensuring the rights of the citizens despite concerns civil society, internet freedom activists, and a parliamentary panel have raised over such provisions.

The proposed legislation says the government can “direct that communications or class of communications to or from any person or class of persons, or relating to any particular subject, transmitted or received by any telecommunication network be suspended” in the interest of the sovereignty, integrity or security of India, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, or preventing incitement to an offence.

It seeks to allow the taking over of the control and management of, or suspending the operation of, or entrusting any authority of the government to manage any or all of any telecommunication services, or any telecommunication network or telecommunication infrastructure connected with such telecommunication services.

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