All about Apple’s Dynamic Island

The most Apple-y thing to have happened this year is the introduction of the Dynamic Island. It’s the biggest design change since the iPhone X introduced the notch. In a way, the notch we know on the iPhone has undergone a design transformation to become the Dynamic Island. But it is way more than dealing with dead space. Apple has always done animations well and Dynamic Island is a reminder of that.

When you see what Apple has done with the software, you will love the Dynamic Island. Everything feels like a part of the interface. It brings together the physical side of the phone with the software side in an organic fashion. In terms of design, I think it works way better than the traditional notch.

Until the Apple event took place last week, we were talking about the pill-shaped cut out for quite a while but what we weren’t expecting is Apple’s Dynamic Island feature, which came to fruition relatively recently. There are so many things we were not expecting.

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