Sony’s PlayStation 5 goes on sale in India amid supply shortages

Ever since the console launched back in November 2020, high demand has kept the PlayStation 5 out of stock in many markets. The PS5 is available for a much high price on sites like eBay, and scalpers are taking advantage of the situation. In India, preorders came and went, units disappeared within seconds. The Covid-19 has disrupted the supply chain, making it hard for Sony to have enough PS5s in the market. Experts say the demand for the PS5 is also sky high as tons of consumers want to grab Sony’s latest console.

The PS5 is available in two versions, one with a built-in disk drive and another is a digital-only console. The only difference between the two is that the standard console gives you the ability to run Blu-ray disc games, PS4 Blu-ray disc games, regular Blu-rays, and DVDs. Performance-wise, there is no difference between the two console variants.

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