RIP free in-box accessories as all new Apple iPhones will now ship without charger and EarPods
Apple’s new iPhones, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, and iPhone 12 Mini, may be updates to their predecessor phones in terms of design, specs and pricing, but deep inside, they are also about letting go of a few things. Case in point, in-box accessories. Simply put, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, and iPhone 12 Mini, will ship without a charger and EarPods in the box.
Why is Apple doing this, you ask. Apple is removing the power adapter and EarPods from iPhone packaging to “reduce carbon emissions and avoid the mining and use of precious materials, which enables smaller and lighter packaging, and allows for 70 percent more boxes to be shipped on a pallet.” Through such steps, Apple “plans to have net zero climate impact across the entire business, which includes manufacturing supply chains and all product life cycles,” by 2030.