Instagram 10 years on: ‘I selfie, therefore I am’
#Foodporn, #nofilter and #TBT: Little known to the general public a decade ago, Instagram has weaved its way into the daily lives of a billion people, changing the way we eat, travel and consume.
On October 6, 2010, two Americans, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger launched Instagram as a social network dedicated to photo sharing. The novelty? The app offered filters to adjust brightness, contrast and colour to create the perfect photo in an instant.
It had immediate success. The app was bought by Facebook two years after its launch, and by that time it had become the world’s most popular platform for uploading endless streams of selfies and had its own stars, Instagirls such as fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni with 21 million followers and Kylie Jenner of the Kardashian clan with 196 million followers.