Management woes, apathy plague MTNL

Middle and top management are all employees of department of telecommunication working on deputation in MTNL, with no stake in the company’s well being, says president of MTNL Kamgar Sangh.

One of the major reasons why MTNL is on a downward slope is that its middle and top management are employees of Department of Telecommunication (DoT) working on deputation in MTNL, with no stake in MTNL’s well being.

Speaking with Mumbai Mirror, South Mumbai MP and president of MTNL Kamgar Sangh Arvind Sawant said, “The officers from the rank of Deputy General Manager to Principal General Manager come from DoT on deputation and they are not at all accountable and answerable to top management for their actions or inactions. If someone gets pulled up or inquiry is initiated against them, they simply go back to DoT.” There are 15 general managers and five principal general manager level officials in MTNL, which operates in Delhi and Mumbai circles.

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