Call centre opened at S’garh Collectorate
Aligned with the objectives of ‘Mo Sarkar’ and 5T, a dedicated call centre has been opened at the Sundargarh Collectorate to directly connect and interact with beneficiaries of different Government schemes and programmes.
District Collector Nikhil Pavan Kalyan inaugurated the call centre on Thursday evening.
District Mineral Foundation (DMF), Sundargarh, has provided necessary financial support for running of the centre having toll- free number 911141182138, which would remain open from 9 am to 6 pm on all days.
“I hope that it will give an ear to the people of Sundargarh and support the administration to receive, review and resolve any kind of issue. Moreover, we will use mechanism to spread awareness among the stakeholders under different flagship programs of the government,” said the Collector.