Hry CM launched mobile app for necessary services

Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday launched a mobile application ‘HelpMe’ to provide all the necessary services including telemedicine, movement passes, assistance in procurement, delivery of dry ration and cooked food, education material, etc, in a single application, amid corona crisis.

The mobile application, which has been especially designed to help the needy during the on-going corona crisis is available on Android Play store compatible with any android based Smartphone, and aims to facilitate people of the State with just a click.

Khattar said people who have green cards i.e APL cardholders were actually found to be distressed and in need of supply of ration, some poor people who were not able to get a BPL card due to any reason, but have applied for it, would get three-month free ration till June 30 from the ration shops. He said that online portals have been opened for issuing ‘Distress Ration Tokens’ to these people.

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