OnePlus 7T Pro Review: Dependable performer, holds an edge with features

I am late, I’ll admit. My able colleagues are busy predicting the OnePlus 8 lineup and what the OnePlus Concept One phone — that will never see the light of day — will lend to future devices. And here I am, still fiddling with the OnePlus 7T Pro, the latest of the company’s able line-up from last year. But that’s the thing about OnePlus. It’s a brand that does not compel you to move on to a new phone. Their remarkably reliable phones tend to bore you into switching to the latest model, if not offer something irresistibly new. So while a new lineup is on the cards, here is why you should keep an eye out for a good deal on the OnePlus 7 line up, especially the OnePlus 7T Pro.

Design 4.5/5

We are obsessed with big screens. All the flagship phones of today are “phablets” of the last decade. And OnePlus is keeping up with the trend.

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