Indian techies take up pen to write against CAA
Bengaluru: Indian and Indian-origin employees of technology companies – including Google, Uber, Salesforce, Amazon, Facebook, Accenture, Microsoft, Tata Consultancy Services, HCL and WiproNSE -0.50 % – have signed up in an open letter against India’s new Citizenship law and a planned national citizenship register. The letter – ‘TechAgainstFascism’ on online publishing platform Medium – comes at a time when hundreds of thousands of Indians across the country and overseas have protested against what they fear are policies that could render many Muslims stateless. Thousands have been detained by the police for protests across India.
“We – engineers, researchers, analysts, and designers – of the technology industry, unflinchingly condemn the fascist Indian government and the brutality it enacts on citizens. The state-sponsored brutality against protestors must stop immediately,” the letter by employees spanning San Francisco to Bengaluru said.