Mobile phone firm told to pay handset cost, Rs 8,000 relief

LUDHIANA: The District Consumer Disputes Redress Forum has penalized an electronic company for causing mental harassment and agony to a customer. Of the Rs 8,000 compensation, the forum comprising it’s president G K Dhir and member Jyotsna Thatai ordered Samsung India Electronics Private Limited, Gurugram, to pay Rs 4,000 for mental harassment and agony and an equal amount as litigation expenses to Gurwinder Singh of New Janta Nagar, Gill road, besides paying him Rs 25,000 as the price of the handset.

In his complaint, Gurwinder said he had purchased a mobile phone from Matharoo Mobile Care, Kot Mangal Singh, on August 24, 2017, by paying Rs 25,000 on the assurance that the handset carried a warranty of one year. He got the warranty extended on August 2, 2018, by paying Rs 2,030 to Kiran Mobile Care near Fountain Chowk (service centre of the manufacturer). On August 13, 2018, the complainant approached it for some problem of the mobile phone, after which it prepared a job sheet and assured him to resolve the problem at the earliest.

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