Cisco partners Google to roll out public WiFi in Bengaluru

US networking giant Cisco on Monday said it is collaborating with Google for its ‘gStation’ offering that provides access to free and high-speed WiFi at public locations across the country.

Under the partnership, Cisco is providing the network infrastructure and a pilot has been rolled out in Bengaluru. About 25 locations in the city are already live and another 200 locations will go live in the next 2-3 months. These locations include public spaces like bus stops, hospitals and government offices among others. Post that, it will be extended to 300 more locations in Bengaluru, and more cities in the country as well.

“This is a global partnership and India is the first country, where we are rolling this out,” Cisco President (India and SAARC) Sameer Garde said at the Cisco India Summit 2019.

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