Bill Gates wants you to pay more tax if you are rich; here’s all he said about taxes on the wealthy

If capitalism has benefited you, chances are that you would be quite fond of it but no, not billionaire Bill Gates. Microsoft co-founder while admitting that it is a “good system” told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that more money should be given by the Rich people in the form of higher taxes.

Bill Gates is of the opinion that the collection given by the top one percent or top 20 percent should be much higher and with this statement he has joined the big debate stirred by US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who wants to levy 70 percent tax on the super rich.

The tech billionaire has been known to be an advocate of levying higher taxes on the wealthy. Bill Gates had also told Zakaria in 2018 that although he has paid over over $10 billion in taxes, the government should get rich people like him “to pay significantly higher taxes.”

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