Amazon’s deep bench calms investors amid Jeff Bezos scandal, NYC rift

It’s been a rough few weeks for the world’s wealthiest man. CEO Jeff Bezos announced his divorce. He became engulfed in a tabloid scandal complete with blackmail allegations. And, on Thursday, his company abruptly scrapped plans to invest $2.5 billion and hire 25,000 people for a giant new office in New York City.

Yet investors don’t seem to be spooked just yet. Strip out Bezos and Amazon from the headlines and the stories are more mundane. A 25-year marriage ends. A publicly subsidized office park deal falls apart. A rich guy accuses someone of blackmailing him with embarrassing photos.

Amazon still has more than 100 million Prime members, whose subscription fees make them more loyal to the company because they can capitalize on shipping discounts. It has fast-growing cloud computing and advertising businesses that have made the company increasingly profitable. And even if Bezos gets

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