5G isn’t just about high speed, but also about fast data, high security: Priyanka Anand, V-P & HR head (South East Asia, Oceania & India), Ericsson
The 5G roll out will bring in significant hiring opportunities in India, and Ericsson India is betting big on it. Priyanka Anand, vice-president and head of HR (South East Asia, Oceania & India), Ericsson, told FE’s Shubhra Tandon that company is training staff internally and also plans to hire fresh talent to meet the growing demand. Excerpts:
Why should organisations prepare for 5G?
The whole pace for how we prepared for 5G got accelerated because of the Covid outbreak. To me, 5G is the underlying technology that can bring this whole thing around low latency that creates seamless experience for people. So, its not just about high speed, but also about fast data and high security, especially in high-tech industries like ours. So, what 5G can do to collaborate seamless collaboration, it’s about people’s expectations and behaviours changing, and therefore 5G has to be embraced by industries all across.