5G, broadband beyond metros set to add 6,000 jobs in July-Sept qtr

MUMBAI: The telecom sector is expected to add 6000 jobs in the current July-September quarter driven by operators getting to work on their 5G services roll-out plans and an increased focus on broadband penetration beyond the metros.

For the April-June quarter, the telecom sector saw its highest attrition in six quarters at 8.87% compared with 7.88% in the January-March, said a report by staffing firm TeamLease. This was mainly due to a combination of people leaving jobs due to unsatisfactory appraisals, and the widening number of open positions in the market.

The sector ranked fifth on the intent to hire metric for the fiscal second quarter which started on July 1 at 84%, said the TeamLease report. Hiring intent refers to hiring plans a company/sector has for a certain time period. So, when one says 65% hiring intent, it means 65% companies in that sector have conveyed that they plan to hire people in a particular quarter.

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