32 passwords you should never use unless you are begging to be hacked

In what may have been an exhaustive ordeal, security researchers have dug deep into the dark web, forums, social networks, chat channels and website that are hidden from regular web browsers where stolen data such as credentials are commonly traded between cybercrimanls. The researchers have stated that there are more than 21 million credentials that belong to Fortune 500 companies with 95 per cent of these included in plaintext passwords that were either stored unencrypted or cracked by cybercriminals. The ImmuniWeb researchers analysed nearly 20 million passwords and claim that only 4.9 million were unique. Out of the remaining, some of the passwords were commonly used than others.

As per a related report by Forbes, Davey Winder states, “the research also revealed some interesting facts on an industry by industry basis. Retail was by far and away the industry with the weakest passwords, being those under eight characters, dictionary words, or system defaults.

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