22% of photos taken on Android phones are ‘duplicates’, why it’s bad news for users

Acyber security firm has conducted a survey based on photos that Android smartphone owners click. According to a report by ZDNet, Avast scanned over 3 billion photos clicked by Android users and found that 16% were duplicates, in the sense that the same shot was clicked multiple times. In a blog post by Avast, the firm explained how it went out about doing the research. “Gathered from aggregated, anonymized data, Avast conducted a global study of nearly 3 billion photos from over 6 million Android photo-cleaner app users around the world from December 2018 to June 2019.” These six million users had saved nearly 3 billion photos on their Android phones
The company explained how that these photos were taking up unnecessary space on smartphones. “22% of saved photos are either low-quality or a duplicate.

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