Mukesh Ambani invites startups to work with Jio; offers market access, tech development, capital, more

Startups on Wednesday found a special mention in Mukesh Ambani’s speech at Reliance Industries 43rd annual general meeting. Ambani did not just acknowledge the contribution from its multiple startups, which were acquired or funded by Reliance in the past few years, to help build technology capabilities along with Jio Platforms but also invited more startups to partner for the future growth of its businesses. “Jio Platforms along with its over 20 startup partners who are now part of our family has built significant world-class capabilities in several cutting edge technologies,” said Ambani.

The multi-billionaire, who recently became the sixth richest person globally ahead of Tesla’s Elon Musk and Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page as per Bloomberg Billionaire Index, also listed out these technologies — 4G and 5G, cloud computing, devices and operating system, big data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, virtual and mixed reality, blockchain distributed ledger, natural language understanding, computer vision. He added that these technologies can create compelling solutions that span multiple industry verticals and ecosystems like media, financial services, retail and new commerce, education, healthcare, agriculture, smart cities, smart manufacturing and smart mobility.

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