15 years of iPhone: Watch videos of first iPhone on sale

The first iPhone, which was launched back in January 2007, turns 15 today. That’s because it officially went on sale on June 29, 2007. Apple began selling its first iPhone after months of then CEO Steve Jobs’ iconic launch event for a product that would change the course of smartphone history. The first iPhone is what propelled the switch to touchscreen phones, and it’s something that continues to till this date.

While buying a new iPhone on the day sales open continues to be a big deal for many Apple fans even today, a video of people flocking to buy the first iPhone back in 2007 show that getting your hands on the first Apple iPhone was much more exciting, iconic and difficult. The video on YouTube uploaded by user Rob Mori dates back to July 1, 2007 and shows the chaos outside the Apple Store at Palo Alto.

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