Google’s $9,000 googly – Pixel 3 user asks for refund, gets 10 new units in return

After-sales service is a crucial part of a company’s relationship with its customers but only a handful of them get positive feedback. The reason behind dismal ratings given by customers is the lack of quality of service but what when a company goes overboard in its attempt to redeem. Google did something bizarre when a disgruntled Pixel 3 (Review) user returned his faulty unit for replacement.

The user, who goes by u/Cheetohz on Reddit (as reported by Android Police), claims he sent his Pixel 3 for replacement as it began showing stutters. Google did not respond to his request to issue a replacement unit. The company refunded a fraction of the total amount – $80 paid as tax, while $900 is still owed to the user. Realising his request had hit a dead end, the user placed an order for a new Pixel 3 (Not Pink colour) unit in a separate transaction.

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